Aleana Young
Stronger. Together
MLA Regina South Albert
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Constituency Office
2213 Broad St.Regina SK, S4P 1Y7
Aleana Young, MLA for the Constituency of Regina South Albert
Stronger. Together.
Aleana Young was first elected the MLA for Regina University in 2020 and then elected as MLA for Regina South Albert in October 2024.
She serves as the Critic for several portfolios including Economy and Jobs, Sask Power, Trade and Export, and Forestry. In the Legislature, she holds the role of Whip.
Aleana is a small business owner, running Regina's only fancy cheese store. She is a mom of two and is passionate about representing her constituents, entrepreneurs, and Saskatchewan's economy. Before being elected in 2020, she was a trustee with Regina Public School Division, and the Vice President of the Saskatchewan School Boards' Association.
Aleana has volunteered as Vice President of Family Service Regina, with Regina's Downtown Business Improvement District and on the University of Regina Senate. She has previously worked in the public and energy sectors and loves camping, running, and her wild little family.
Economic Stability
“The numbers don’t lie. Since Scott Moe took office exactly six years ago, the Sask. Party has been worse at creating jobs than every other provincial government in Canada.”
As the Opposition lead for Economy and Jobs, I track and advocate for a stronger economy. StatCan’s data continues to show concerning trends: worst job creation record among provinces, stagnant wages, and diminishing purchasing power. In 2023, the Sask. Party government’s capital investment is only 55% of 2014 levels. Under Scott Moe and the Sask. Party government, Saskatchewan’s five-year immigration retention rate has dropped 20% - this means that for every 100 newcomers to our province, 42 leave. This is concerning for families, employers, and our economic prospects.
I’ll keep fighting for a strong economy.
Carla Beck and I continue to hear that affordability and cost of living is the number one concern. Our team is continuing to push for real, dependable, affordability relief. Our priority in this spring sitting of the Legislature is to push the government to axe the gas tax, which could save hard working families $0.15/L – tomorrow.
In six years, Premier Scott Moe has nearly doubled Saskatchewan’s debt; Scott Moe has one of the worst fiscal records in Saskatchewan history, posting 5 deficit budgets. And yet, our health and education systems are starved while we’ve seen splurges on lavish trips to Dubai, Germany, and India – all with public funds. I pushed for transparent documentation on the $1.5 million price-tag. I also called for an expedited investigation into rates the province paid for a social services client’s stay at a motel owned by a government member.
“Saskatchewan has the resources, the work ethic, all the ingredients to boom. This province should be moving forward. Sadly, for far too many folks, it feels like we’re spinning our tires.”
Constituency News
Fertility Awareness Week - April 21 - 27
During this week we raise awareness about the diverse paths to parenthood and advocate for equitable access to fertility treatments. Since 2020, Aleana has been presenting petitions and working with advocates to push for fertility funding. Saskatchewan is one of two provinces with no support for those struggling with fertility. She will continue to call on the government to support Saskatchewan people seeking to grow their families here at home.
Town Hall on Education
Grant Road School, 2501 Grant Rd.
Join Aleana on Tuesday June 25th from 7:00-8:30pm at Grant Road School, 2501 Grant Rd. Based on your feedback, the focus of this latest Town Hall will be on education. Come on out and hear from experts, educators, and parents. We want to hear what you think!
Town Hall: Health Care
George Bothwell Library
By popular demand – we’re holding another Town Hall. Based on your feedback, the focus will be on health care. We need change and we need people to speak up.
Fertility Awareness Week - April 21 - 27
During this week we raise awareness about the diverse paths to parenthood and advocate for equitable access to fertility treatments. Since 2020, Aleana has been presenting petitions and working with advocates to push for fertility funding. Saskatchewan is one of two provinces with no support for those struggling with fertility. She will continue to call on the government to support Saskatchewan people seeking to grow their families here at home.